Wir haben das Know-how rund um Technik, Prozesse und Daten,
damit es auf der Tankstelle läuft!


Wir verknüpfen Shopdaten, Warenwirtschafts- und IT-Systeme,
damit Ihr Kunde sein Angebot findet.


Sichere und innovative Zahlungsprozsse
machen nicht nur Sie, sondern auch Ihre Kunden zufrieden.


Seit 20 Jahren managen wir Projekte, und zwar end-to-end:

Wir entwickeln, testen und implementieren selbst – Support inklusive!

We analyze, specify, and advise. Our goal is to find the best possible solution for the real-world application. PROCESS CONSULTING At ITS, we focus on the processes in IT systems together with their applications and...
We test and develop. IT doesn’t function by chance – we provide well thought-out and thoroughly tested solutions for high performance and quality with system. QUALITY MANAGEMENT Since 2005, we have operated our own test...
We monitor, manage, and host. In the field of operating we always have your systems in view; in the area of support we assist you with helpdesk services; we manage rollouts; and we host your...

IT doesn’t function by chance.

As a manufacturer-independent consultant, we carry out IT projects in many areas with a focus on OIL, RETAIL, and PAYMENT. We develop solution designs and customer-specific software, we program interfaces and test in our own laboratory, we implement and offer support. In short: We are your experts for these special tasks.

As an owner-managed company, we attach particular importance to quality and competent cooperation with our customers. Business relationships, some of which have lasted for decades, prove our success and confirm our values.